This is the paintings that have kept me busy the past three weeks.
Based on a screenshot from Dumb & Dumber, right before they have to pull over. This was going to be painted in warm colours. For the first time in my life, I also painted after a picture which was upside-down. A tricky, new experience, you might say.
Here's the cold version of the same screenshot, though unfinished.
Moving on... still in movies. This is based on a screenshot from the first Naked Gun movie, which happens to be my favourite scene of all time. I'm not satisfied with how Leslie Nielsen turned out, but the guy on the left I am satisfied with. Taking a closer look, I see that this is not the finished version, there's still a tie missing on Leslie Nielsen.
One word for this assignment: Identity. After much hesitation as usual, this suddenly pop into my head and it turned into a surreal self portrait.
We even had to make the canvas ourselves before painting, which was pretty cool.
So, there you go. I'm leaving Norway for Canada in a small amount of hours, so I doubt I will be posting for the next two weeks, but I will when I've made something I think is worth showing off.
Wow, likte det identitetsmaleriet kjempegodt! Selger du noen malerier/tegninger?
SvarSlettTusen takk! :)
SvarSlettNei, har aldri falt meg inn, egentlig. Alt er så personlig for meg, spesielt det identitetsbildet, siden det avbilder meg.
Men kanskje jeg vurderer det i framtida ;)
Ja, det synes jeg du burde vurdere! Jeg kunne godt ha tenkt meg et slikt bilde på veggen. Kanskje i andre farger, men jeg synes fremdeles det er dritkult! ;)